Friday, August 24, 2012

Hachikin and friendly locals - Kochi, Shikoku

From Okoyama, there is a train that brings you to Takamatsu on the Shikoku island. From there you can take a train to Kochi, which sounds like a fun place to drink. The train ride is supposed to be very beautiful.

From wikitravel:
"the people of Kochi are known as the biggest drinkers in Japan. The women in Kochi are particularly renowned for their affinity and ability to drink. They are referred to as Hachikin, literally meaning 8 testicles since it is said that one Tosa (Kochi) woman can drink like four ordinary men. Kochi offers an abundance of locally made sake and shochu, and the friendly locals will surely approach you for a fun interaction at Kochi`s numerous bars."